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NCFE L2 Sport Course Pack

NCFE L2 Sport Course Pack

4 Resources
Full unit packs to deliver and assess, contents include Full unit PowerPoints Assignment briefs Assignment help sheets Learner workbooks Lesson resources
Sports Coaching Session Plan Template (interactive PP)

Sports Coaching Session Plan Template (interactive PP)

An in depth session plan template for ease of use for learners and coaches. PP is broken down into the following sections / slides: A key of diagrams to be used for a visual aid when creating the diagram of the session Session information Arrival Activities Warm up Isolated practice Conditioned practice Competitive practice Cool down Session reflection Session risk assessment
Equality and Diversity in Sport

Equality and Diversity in Sport

A great starter activity for the lesson by exploring equality and diversity through sport. There are 11 athletes ( 11 slides). Class are to interact with the following questions supporting each athlete promoting discussion Who is the athlete Why are they famous A question related to equality and diversity. I typically have a different athlete on the screen every lesson as the learner enter the room.